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Leeds, west yorkshire, United Kingdom
I'm currently on a worldwide trip seeing some of the most amazing places in the world, meeting some of the greatest people there is to meet and trying to be the best that i can be and use the little i have to help others and make a difference

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Monday 14 January 2008

4 wheels please

One of the funniest stories of the week was my motorbiking ability and the serious lack of it. Nathan you would be ashamed of me. I did help give the others a lot of laughs though. I had my first crash, pulled my 1st wheelie (not on purpose) and broke my first bike - dont worry mum only the clutch handle and nothing on me got broken so that's pretty good.

At the end of the week i was awarded with a trophy made of my broken clutch handle and broken stump for the best leaders crash of the week, from now on i'm sticking to 4 wheels.

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