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Leeds, west yorkshire, United Kingdom
I'm currently on a worldwide trip seeing some of the most amazing places in the world, meeting some of the greatest people there is to meet and trying to be the best that i can be and use the little i have to help others and make a difference

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Tuesday 25 March 2008

Cuzco and Macchu Picchu - day 3

My last full day was a tour of some of the less well known Inca sites in the Sacred Valley but despite not being so well known they were still amazing. I was lucky enough top meet up with some firends i had met on the first day. Eddy and Jen who were enjoying there honeymoon.
We wandered the different sites learning about the way the Inca's used their terraces for farming

and how organised they were and the ways they channelled the water and buried there did whilst still being totally amazed at the shear scale of everything. One of the most impressive things we saw was a huge sculpted face about the height of a 5 story building carved into the face of the mountain. Unfortunately you couldn't really make it out in the photos, what you can make out is one of the may incredible rainbows that we saw there in the valley.

We also went and saw some women who dyed and wove the fabrics to make the millions of different cloths that we had seen around.

In the evening i saw the other side of Cuzco

when one of the local girls i had met took me out around the town. We enjoyed a few of the local bars, sampled some of the local drinks and enjoyed a Salsa club, man they sure can dance here.
It was a great way to finish what had been an unforgettable last few years and whilst i'm not looking forward to being back in the ugly city of Lima i am missing the heat, i never did like wearing trousers.

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